Serial EntrepreneurBack in 1991 Marc started a career as a machanical engineer. Around the same time he discovered the internet and the possibilities that came with having a world wide audance to build digital products for. After working at a factory in the daytime, Marc came home and worked on his affiliate websites, making a few pound here and there that suplimented his income. It quickly became his hobby, learning how to make a side income online.
Fast forward to 2017, Marcs knowledge of building online incomes grow to the point he quit his day job as a aerospace engineer and worked on his online projects full time.
Because running online businesses can be done from anywhere, Marc took to the road to go to seminars, confrences and coffee shop talks to top up his knowledge from some of the worlds leading experts.
Marcs year long trip of learning and discovery ended with him building a course business teaching engineering skills. It was a huge success. Marc then went on to build many different online income platforms including print-on-demand, printables, courses, Ebooks, affiliate marketing and a range of service based incomes such as SEO, Web dev and illustration.
Athough Marc had a good foundation with his years of building affiliate websites, the knowledge that he learnt on the road helped him go from a side income for a full time passive income. Hanging out in coworking spaces across Asia and europe, becoming close friends with successful entrepreneurs and learning from them (some of which are instructors on this very site) took his skills to another level that he could not have learnt by himself.
5 years later, Marc is still travelling around the world, working in coworking spaces and continues to learn from everyone he meets. He now works with experts in their field to teach you the skills they learnt to work remotely online.